Independent Non-Executive Director at Integrated Waste Solutions Group Holdings Limited - , New Territories, Hong Kong
Integrated Waste Solutions Group Holding Limited and its subsidiaries (Hong Kong Exchange Stock Code 923) are specialized in waste management, principally engaged in the waste recycling and waste solutions provider business. We provide solid waste management services including waste paper management and Confidential Materials Destruction Service ("CMDS"). CMDS destroy confidential materials that include but not limited to the following; - Confidential documents - Branded consumer commodities (garments, leather shoes, and handbags, etc.) - Counterfeit or other confiscated products - Storage media (computer hard disks) - Credit cards - Mobile phone SIM cards - Disc and film - Other storage items Solid waste management handles all types of paper, plastics, metals, and many more. We believe that we have an important role in identifying and providing environmentally and technologically friendly integrated waste management solutions. 綜合環保集團有限公司及其附屬公司(香港交易所上市編號923)専門從事廢料管理業務,主要經營廢料回收及提供廢料處理方案。我們提供的廢料管理服務包括廢紙管理和機密材料處理服務 ("CMDS")。 CMDS提供銷毁服務的機密材料,包括(但不局限於以下物料): - 機密文件 - 品牌產品(服裝,皮鞋,手袋等等) - 冒牌及其他充公物品 - 儲存媒體,例如:電腦硬盤 - 信用卡 - 手提電話SIM卡 - 磁碟及膠卷 - 其他儲存物件 廢紙管理提供處理服務的廢料,包括:各式紙張,塑膠料,金屬和其他廢物料。在鑑定和提供合適的環境保護及技術方案上,綜合環保廢料管理有限公司皆擔任重要的角色。