Michael Cheverino

Educator at High School of Art and Design - N/A, N/A, N/A

Michael Cheverino's Contact Details
High School of Art and Design
Michael Cheverino's Company Details
High School of Art and Design logo, High School of Art and Design contact details

High School of Art and Design

N/A, N/A, N/A • 250 - 499 Employees

Art And Design High School is a company based out of 231-249 E 56TH ST, NEW YORK, New York, United States.

Details about High School of Art and Design
Frequently Asked Questions about Michael Cheverino
Michael Cheverino currently works for High School of Art and Design.
Michael Cheverino's role at High School of Art and Design is Educator.
Michael Cheverino's email address is ***@artanddesignhs.org. To view Michael Cheverino's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Michael Cheverino works in the Education Management industry.
Michael Cheverino's colleagues at High School of Art and Design are Evan Torres, Vincent Gallo, Samantha Negroni, Christine Park, Helene Alexander, Eric Strauss, Stan Ray and others.
Michael Cheverino's phone number is N/A
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