Alexander Alternative Capital GP, LLC offers outsized returns in all market environments through a limited selection of Private Equity, Hedge Fund and Direct Investment opportunities. Our alternative investment platform offers exposure to Oil and Gas Development, Finance and Technology, as well as long and short public equities positions.Our experienced investment teams are run by best-in-class portfolio managers who strive to generate outsized returns and reduce risk. They align long-term macroeconomic trends with bottom-up fundamental analysis. Each investment is made with a maximum risk budget and designed to limit the downside while maximizing profits.Alexander Alternative Capital GP's investment process is what differentiates us from other alternative investment providers. Our portfolio construction starts with owning the macroeconomic landscape first. Then, we analyze the various investment expressions of that global macro view until we create an optimal asymmetrical risk-reward profile.Our goal is to deliver the highest quality satisfaction for our clients.Follow us on Twitter: @outsizedreturn