The ACCU provides your Lending Institution with the ability to set the way it conducts its Commercial Credit Underwriting with the ability to import data from PDF documents. The ACCU is an all-encompassing software application to ensure uniformity across your Lending Institution. We also allow you to conduct your analyses differently than other Lending Institutions, in accordance with your policies and procedures. This recognizes your individuality, ensuring that your Lending Institution maintains its Commercial Loan Underwriting format instead of requiring you to adjust to an inflexible software application. We take your underwriting process and overlay it onto our software to make it your software. Your Lending Institution's underwriting methodology will also be reinforced with Automated Data Extraction Modules to import the data from electronic PDF documents into your ACCU forms. The features and automations included in the ACCU result in a 20% increase in efficiency for your Commercial Credit Underwriting process. This saves each Analyst an average of 1 day per work week.Once your ACCU forms and modules are configured for your underwriting process, you'll be able to complete Loan Approvals with relative ease and efficiency.