The world is at the beginning of a profound transformation. Historians will argue over whether it started in 1980, 2001, 2008 or some other date, entirely. However, they will not argue over whether it happened or whether it was the defining event of our time. It will affect virtually every portion of society - technology, health, economics, politics, demographics, culture, spirituality, family, entertainment, fashion, and more. It will be convulsive, paroxysmal and profound. Through The Future 101, we present an introduction to the Transformation with the intent that it will lead readers to positive action. The tabs provide the reader with a basic understanding and the periodic articles on the home tab provide periodic and timely elaborations. If you would like to receive notification of new articles, please sign up for my mailing list. If you are ready to take positive action, the Consulting and Seminar tabs provide you with further information.We are also building a global community of visionary intellectuals, aggressive entrepreneurs and risk tolerant, 'buy and hold' investors with the intent to provide a venue where they may capitalize upon the opportunities presented by the Transformation.