Recruitment has been big business for a long time. And, like in a lot of successful businesses it's been left alone without having any questions asked of it.That means times have changed but recruitment hasn't. So maybe it's now time to ask those questions. Questions like: 1. Why do consultants need micromanaging to be successful?2. What does hauling someone over the coals for missing a KPI achieve?3. If we're all online, why do we have to be in an office for 40 hours a week?4. Why do trousers mean we'll do a better job than jeans?Any ideas? Us neither.So, when we've been creating our new business, we've ignored the stereotypes. We've decided to take a new approach to recruitment. That's how we came up with Pivot.Pivot means a change of direction. Both for the people that choose to join us and the clients who choose to work with us.We promise to hire great people and let them get on with being great. To promote quality over quantity and flexible working practice.A purpose driven team means clients receive a purpose-driven service. No arbitrary numbers to hit means a totally tailored value proposition to every partner with their best interests at the heart of it.It's time for a change of direction in recruitment. It's time to Pivot.