Owner/CEO - Training Delivery and Sales at Financial Decision Maker - Boulder, Colorado, United States
62% of all financial decisions that non-financial managers make are incorrect or guesswork.An October, 2009 study in the Harvard Business Review says that 62% of day to day financial decisions are based on incorrect assumptions, faulty knowledge or plain guess work.It's an uncomfortable fact most business owners and senior managers know or suspect: their mid-level managers and supervisors are losing them money every day. Our team also tested the financial acumen of over 30,000 business owners, managers and salespeople and recorded similar results. Every manager and employee contributes to financial and operational success at your businessImagine the power of an entire workforce making operational decisions with a financial perspective.No matter what business segment you are in, managing revenue, expenses and assets at all levels in the organization are crucial to success.Finance and Accounting are the languages of business. If you can become conversant in those languages, you can make better business decisions. And, better business decision-making is a means to improving the business at all levels.