We established Defender Fund bringing to the table our combined experience in US equity and derivative markets. We create value for investors by identifying opportunities that layer strong fundamentals with meaningful volatility to create consistent returns. By being constant sellers of volatility, we harness the high volatility that exists in individual names to play defense with an aggressive player.In a market governed by low-interest rates and high volumes generated by algo trading, our philosophy is that volatility is the new interest rate. Our goal is to achieve consistent positive yield while at the same time providing downside protection. We aim to generate returns via selling volatility, without relying on the upside in the underlying equities.We look for companies with strong fundamentals and significant volatility in order to generate consistent returns, together with downside protection. Our methodology is disciplined and includes fundamental analysis, options analysis, diversification, and ongoing monitoring of existing holdings and new opportunities across fundamental and option parameters. By actively managing a long equity short volatility portfolio, we effectively manage risk/reward. Our aim is to achieve positive returns in most market conditions.https://defenderfunds.com/