Careturner A/S offers an unique solution for automatic pressure relief and manuel mobilizations. The Careturner is an intelligent add-on to the regular care bed which is attached to the existing mattress and which protects areas of the body that are prone to pressure ulcers by varying and equalizing the pressure on the body.The increasing number of elderly people with high medical treatment costs throughout the world is leading to an escalating financial burden. Pressure ulcers are one of the most striking conditions affecting medical costs and quality of life among patients, specifically bed-ridden patients.Hospitals and nursing homes today have more beds for patients than they employ doctors and nurses. In the future there will be even lesser personnel to tend to a growing number of patients and the increasing population of elderly people. Bearing this in mind, it makes perfect sense to make modifications to the hospital bed as we know it today, so that it becomes a more active and efficient piece of equipment that can contribute to saving time and resources at hospitals and making the everyday easier and pleasant for the families who tend to their elders at home.