Radical Honesty is a kind of communication that is direct, complete, open and expressive. Radical Honesty means you tell the people in your life what you've done or plan to do, what you think, and what you feel. It's the kind of authentic sharing that creates the possibility of love and intimacy.The practice of Radical Honesty is based on the work and writings of Dr. Brad Blanton, a psychologist who found that the best way to reduce stress, make life work, and heal the past is to tell the truth.What's in it for me?People who practice Radical Honesty have healthy, free, powerful and joyful lives. Lying and protecting your image takes a heavy toll on your health and relationships. Telling the truth is less destructive than lying. When people stop pretending, they can powerfully create their future together. Energy that was wasted maintaining a performance for the sake of other people is suddenly available for real creativity. This works for couples, families, communities, and nations.We offer Workshops, Retreats, Books, Courses, Coaching, and Training here: www.radicalhonesty.com