Executive Director at Incenta Economic Consulting - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Incenta provides specialist economic advice. Our focus is the application of economic regulation to the utility and infrastructure sectors.Our team of senior experts has a wealth of experience advising major corporations, governments and economic regulators on important economic and policy matters across Australia and New Zealand. We specialise in the design and implementation of economic regulation, with extensive experience advising during the reviews of government policy and regulatory frameworks, and during the subsequent application of those frameworks. The issues we advise on include: whether economic regulation is justified and the form it should take; the design of incentive schemes; the application of finance principles to economic regulation; the design of tariff structures; and the drafting and economic interpretation of regulatory instruments. We also have extensive experience applying economic principles to pricing and access in the unregulated infrastructure sector. We work across a range of industry sectors, including: electricity, gas, water, airports, ports and rail.Our objective is to provide our clients with robust, unbiased and relevant advice that assists them to make well informed decisions, enables credible input into regulatory or policy processes, and that advances the practice of economic regulation.