Sitefotos is a software company based in Denver, CO. Sitefotos' primary product is a mobile photo app that allows field workers, employees & subcontractors to use smart phones to take photos with captions to capture on-site activities and building conditions. The system utilizes the cloud and your device's camera and GPS to improve communication between properties, vendors, subcontractors and general contractors. SItefotos also has a variety of mapping tools allowing property measuring, site maps and other live communication between field workers, vendors and properties.Photos are date-time stamped, the property is detected automatically, and the photos are uploaded to photo board style layout in the cloud. Photos can then be shared with customers, G.C.'s and other project stakeholders.Sitefotos eliminates clipboards, cameras, voice recorders, and any other old technology used for on-site data capture and communications. For further information, please visit