Michael Litherland

Head of Governance, Risk and Compliance at Secolve at Secolve - N/A, N/A, AU

Michael Litherland's Colleagues at Secolve
Michael Litherland

Head of Governance, Risk and Compliance

Contact Michael Litherland

Laith Shahin

Founder & CEO, Secolve

Contact Laith Shahin

Ryan Elamsy

Sales Development Representative

Contact Ryan Elamsy

Petr Novak

Chief Technology Officer

Contact Petr Novak

Sean Murdoch

Head of Operational Technology (OT) Advisory

Contact Sean Murdoch

View All Michael Litherland's Colleagues
Michael Litherland's Contact Details
Sydney,New South Wales,Australia
Michael Litherland's Company Details
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N/A, N/A, AU • 20 - 49 Employees
Technology Consulting/Tech Services

Secolve is Australia's next generation OT specialist cyber security firm, working with key industries to protect the nation's critical infrastructure by assisting organisations, large and small, to uplift their OT security.Secolve's exclusive focus on OT ensures our team is at the cutting edge of all the latest developments in the cyber security space, be it software security enhancements, threat actors or regulatory and legislative requirements.Human intelligence is at the forefront of everything we do. We understand adversaries and their motives, which allows us to out-think them and ensure our clients are a step ahead in the cyber war. We recognise that every organisation's cyber maturity is different and requires a tailored and strategic response that meets short and long-term needs. Regardless of where you are on your cyber security journey, the Secolve team will be able to advise on the best way forward in protecting your organisation now, and into the future.We have young families and believe the world should be safe for our children and future generations. Join us on this journey and let's work hand in hand to secure the nation's critical infrastructure.

Information Technology and Services
Details about Secolve
Frequently Asked Questions about Michael Litherland
Michael Litherland currently works for Secolve.
Michael Litherland's role at Secolve is Head of Governance, Risk and Compliance at Secolve.
Michael Litherland's email address is ***@au.panasonic.com. To view Michael Litherland's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Michael Litherland works in the Information Technology & Services industry.
Michael Litherland's colleagues at Secolve are Michael Litherland, Laith Shahin, Belinda Noel, Ryan Elamsy, Petr Novak, Sean Murdoch and others.
Michael Litherland's phone number is N/A
See more information about Michael Litherland