Solar Eclipse Shades is a "Clean Green" company focused on improving the environment by providing state of the art shade products that protect against the harmful UV rays of the Sun and integrated polymer solar voltaic systems that generate clean power. Our mission is to provide green products that reduce the heat and danger of the Sun's powerful UV rays, thus creating and environment that is cooler, safer and reduces the risk of skin cancer to children and adults. Our products are Greenguard and Leeds certified.It is also our mission to provide leading edge integrated solar voltaic shade solutions that not only reduce the carbon footprint but also make multiple use of the land that they occupy. The most apparent example is providing tensile membrane shade covered parking structures, that integrate polymer solar voltaic cells to generate battery and electrical power for the grid. Imagine an Airport parking lot that provides both covered parking and solar in one integrated system, thus reducing the need for stand alone solar farms that take up valuable real estate.