On February 16, 2022 the world of Cinder coalesced in the metaverse with the minting of the Cinder Fae: 4,444 exclusive NFT avatars with the power to bring new life into their world. Curating the first live, persistent virtual world on the Solana blockchain, Cinder Studios has announced an aggressive roadmap for the remainder of the year.Cinder is about to be invaded by the Daisho, knee-high nanotech menaces that brave citizens can capture, reverse-engineer, and evolve into loyal battle companions. Master the Daisho battle arena to earn native cryptocurrency. Customize your Daisho with your unique artistic flair and sell them as your own NFTs across the metaverse. Stake your avatars and Daisho on your own or with friends and build an empire!Cinder Studios is a team of game industry veterans and crypto-utopian stargazers. We love games and we love exploring ways blockchain technology can enable new fantasies for gamers. Want to join the web3 gaming revolution? We're hiring!