Tender Care Home Healthcare is a home healthcare agency, fully bonded and insured. Tender Care provides non-medical care to clients in their home. We also work in conjunction with the Valley Area Agency on Aging in Shiawassee and Genesee Counties to provide services to those who qualify. We also provide care for private pay clients and those who receive benefits through VA, workmen's compensation or auto insurance. We provide personal care, companion aide, homemaking services, home health aide/caregiver, bed and bath visit, Respite,medication management and 24 hour care. Tender Care staff are Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA's) or Home Health Aides. Our continuing education and in-service programs for staff includes, but not limited to: * Personal Care: Essential Bed Rest Infection Control Blood Borne Pathogens Nutrition and Meal Preparation Assistance with wheelchairs, walkers, crutches and canes Fall Prevention Elder Abuse and Neglect*Companion Homemaker Roles, Responsibilities, Safety and Housekeeping*Fire Safety*HIPPA Law*Transferring*Cultural Diversity and Sensitivity*Emergency Procedures*Acceptable Work Ethics*Honoring the Participants Dignity*Respect of the Participant and their property*Theft PreventionWe screen every employee, including a Criminal Background Check, Tender Care constantly strives to maintain a staff of qualified and compassionate aides.