Michael Mattana

Industrial Designer at Smart Roof - New York, NY, US

Michael Mattana's Colleagues at Smart Roof
Michael Mattana's Contact Details
Syosset, New York, United States
Smart Roof
Michael Mattana's Company Details
Smart Roof logo, Smart Roof contact details

Smart Roof

New York, NY, US • 5 - 9 Employees

Smart Roof is a product procurement channel and expert consultancy for integrated renewable energy technologies and sustainable building solutions for urban roof tops. Technology and nature combined.The Vision of Smart Roof to make it affordable and easy to harness the energy of the sun, wind and water on the roof tops of our cities. Seen from the air our urban landscape (in our case, New York City) is a vast expanse of underutilized black tar, ash-felt and grey tiles. We see a future where this currently forgotten zone, between earth and sky is transformed into a vast network of energy producing green-scapes pulsing with Smart Roof life.Our strategy is to propagate the exponential adoption of renewable technologies and prefabricated habitable environments, via systems of mass customization and intelligent integrated design.On a practical level, and in order to obtain that vision, Smart Roof treats every property differently. It's not about selling a single product, (a particular solar panel, for example) the one size fits all model, instead its about customization of a system, a framework to the clients future needs. We have created a feasibility analysis procedure and product distribution and installation system so lean, that a majority of property owners can afford to develop a Smart Roof by adopting an investment strategy tailored to you that will produce a solid return on investment and certainly increase your property's value.

renewable energy sustainable building integrated engineering environmental systems design Waste/Recycling/Environmental Services Nec Renewables & Environment
Details about Smart Roof
Frequently Asked Questions about Michael Mattana
Michael Mattana currently works for Smart Roof.
Michael Mattana's role at Smart Roof is Industrial Designer.
Michael Mattana's email address is ***@smartroofnyc.com. To view Michael Mattana's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Michael Mattana works in the Waste/Recycling/Environmental industry.
Michael Mattana's colleagues at Smart Roof are and others.
Michael Mattana's phone number is 646-650-2716
See more information about Michael Mattana