HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) and Refrigeration equipment.The global market for both room and unitary air conditioners is growing, spurred by rising incomes, climate change, and trends in building construction. Market differentiators include energy efficiency—air conditioning is a significant factor in summertime "brown-outs"—and noise. A third air cooling channel, automotive air conditioning, shares components with room and unitary products but must also manage the challenge of running a refrigeration cycle without draining the vehicle's power. To improve both air conditioning systems and refrigeration units, PAX Streamline is using our patented technologies to create innovative solutions that optimize the energy efficiency and heat transfer capacity of thermal management components such as compressors, evaporators, heat exchangers, and chillers.The company's newest offering, Sonoma Cool, is a highly efficient HVAC solution that significantly reduces the latent load -- the humidity -- of a building. Sonoma Cool's dehumidification strategy results in significant energy savings over conventional air conditioning.