ONCOLOGY NOTES & PRESCRIBING MADE EASYImagine your tedious routine work being cut so you are more productive and are better able to concentrate on improving your outcomes. With i-NOTZ your time is freed-up and note taking becomes an intuitive process that supports the consultation.How it worksOnICS i-NOTZ is an easy-to-use, oncology note-taking system, specifically developed by oncologists, for oncologists. It allows you to focus on the patient while intuitive point-and-click menus instantly assimilate data into a complete, coded, full-text clinical record.iNOTZ interfaces with electronic health record systems such as MOSAIQ® from Elekta®. Contact us for further information in terms of the External System Interfaces (ESI®)you require. Note: MOSAIQ and Elekta is a trademark of Elekta AB (publ).