TransMedia Barter is a marketing company providing services in North America, Europe, Asia, South & Central America and Africa, and expanding globally through innovative thought leaders to effectively serve consumers and corporations through use of gift cards/vouchers, inventory and capacity to aid in the purchase of needed media and services.Empowering by leveraging assets for the purchase of needed services, travel, media, and inventory. Our extended network utilizing and accepting barter dollars/euros expands capabilities of our clients to reduce capital costs.19 years of experience in innovative solutions for companies. Creating partnerships for profitability worldwide.Contact us today to arrange an overview of how we can increase your profitability this year.Visit our website, and join the ranks of businesses using a managed barter account:http://www.TransMediaBarter.comNorth America+1(212)776-1010 Italy+39(33)4785.4551 Nigeria (Lagos & Port Harcourt)+234(081)9054-3977 South Africa (Durban)+27(0)87 727 8631