CK Talent represents various top industry professionals in modeling, sports, social media, film and tv. These professionals include Models, Actors, Coaches, Journalists, Social Media Personalities, Influencers, Politicians and Athletes to name a few. Our clients can be seen in top films, television, magazines, product endorsements, promotional shoots and on the field of play. Our talent have appeared in major magazines, print campaigns, etc. Our international team works hard to maximize our clients opportunities. For the last 3 years CK Talent has been ranked by Buzzfeed, Medium Magazine, US MAG and Huff Post among the top 5 international talent agencies to be represented by. CK Talent was listed by DMR Decision Market Reports (DMR) a well-known company for rating companies announced today that it has list CK Talent as a Major Key market player in the Talent Management Industry. Out of the 11 talent management agencies in the report it ranked number 4. among the industries top Talent Agencies. The report further stated that CK Talent is among the industry leading companies that control 90% of the market share world-wide in our industry. Click here to look at a synopsis of the report. CK' Talent Management’s, Managing Partner is a member of the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences which produces the yearly Emmy Awards, Film Independent which produces the Spirit Awards and the British Film Institute which produces the annual London Film Festival.