The Council for Quality Growth is a not-for-profit trade organization promoting balanced and responsible growth in the metro Atlanta region and state by promoting long range planning and adequate delivery of government services, serving as a catalyst for consensus on growth issues and providing a forum for discussion of responsible development, and economic or technical expertise as needed. Since its inception in 1985, the Council has worked as the development industry’s voice, a clearinghouse for critical information on growth and development policy and a forum for education. The Council advocates for its members to ensure that governmental development policy is fair and conducive to balanced and responsible growth. Through constructive leadership and active participation in resolving growth issues based on real-world experience, the Council is a knowledgeable and informed advocate for you. The Council’s work on behalf of its members has a direct and profitable result on their bottom line. Impact fees, development moratoriums, unrealistic code amendments—it only takes one new regulatory layer and your project becomes unfeasible. The rate of return on your membership investment will prove to be immeasurable as our policy team affects positive change in the political and regulatory web you face daily.