Payne Media Marketing is a personalized site optimization and web development company.Site OptimizationPerhaps you've heard of Site Optimization or SEO (Search Engine Optimization). If you don't know what that means, that's okay. It simply means that your site is setup and worded in a way that the search engines, like Google or Bing, prefer.The ideal site isn't set up for just the search engines though, the ideal site is set up for both the search engines AND your visitors. We've seen some pretty horrifically designed sites that were optimized for the search engines, but left the visitors out in the cold.We here at Payne Media Marketing can help your site achieve the perfect balance between function and usability, between SEO and your visitors.Web DevelopmentDesigning websites is both an art and a science. There's certain elements that every website should have, that's the science part, but also it should look good and reflect the personality of the website's owner, and that's the art part.People tend to focus on one part or the other. Sometimes it's because of their background, or their artistic flair (or lack thereof) and sometimes it's because of what they've heard.Because there is no "one right answer" to having your website look and act the way it should, we at Payne Media Marketing work diligently to help your website to not only "find your voice" but to find that precious balance between art and science.