LPHAds, Inc. is headquartered in Delaware. We are an experienced publishing team since 2012. Our main business is digital marketing. We are an experienced publishing team. We mainly cooperate with search feeds, we do monetization and distribution. A collection of websites that help curious people find the information they need.We're made up of a bunch of small teams who work closely together to tackle big challenges and pursue exciting opportunities. To provide a fast, accurate, and reliable online experience to hundreds of millions of people each month, we build technology for speed and scale that exceeds the capability of most other online media companies. Our technology helps us explore opportunities to acquire web traffic, provide satisfying user experiences, and profitably monetize every session, and do so in a way that can be scaled massively and efficiently.Leisure Pleasure House Ads are running good TQ (7+) traffics for Yahoo feeds, Bing feeds, Google Search feeds,Shopping Feeds, Jobs Feeds, Native Feeds, different CPC search feeds.We have high quality of push, SEO, SEM and Native traffics. We have own technology and we work only with premium advertisers.High Quality Traffic Available for Various Verticals and Geos,Best conversion % in the industry.Please get in touch if you want to provide us with your feeds.