Michael Schack

Partner at Plager Schack LLP - Huntington Beach, CA, US

Michael Schack's Colleagues at Plager Schack LLP
Michael Schack's Contact Details
714 698-0601
Huntington Beach,California,United States
Plager Schack LLP
Michael Schack's Company Details
Plager Schack LLP logo, Plager Schack LLP contact details

Plager Schack LLP

Huntington Beach, CA, US • 10 - 19 Employees

When you have a problem, and seek the assistance of an attorney, you do not necessarily know what the solution is. You know that you want help. At Plager Schack LLP, our approach to all clients is a personal approach. Our goal is to make you feel as though you are out most important client - because all of our clients are just that - most important. To reach that goal, we want to learn as much as possible from you. The in's and out's of your business and your needs. At Plager Schack LLP, our mission statement can be summed up in three simple words: YOUR BUSINESS PARTNER

Patents Trademarks Copyrights Trade Secrets Litigation Licensing Business Law Contracts Insurance Real Estate Landlord/Tenant Corporations LLCs Partnerships DMCA ICANN International IP Internet Law Legal/Attorney Legal Services Law Practice
Details about Plager Schack LLP
Frequently Asked Questions about Michael Schack
Michael Schack currently works for Plager Schack LLP.
Michael Schack's role at Plager Schack LLP is Partner.
Michael Schack's email address is ***@plagerschack.com. To view Michael Schack's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Michael Schack works in the Law Practice industry.
Michael Schack's colleagues at Plager Schack LLP are Kara Verryt, Naomi Mann and others.
Michael Schack's phone number is 714 698-0601
See more information about Michael Schack