We're proud to announce that AFL has joined forces with TCC Group, a leading telecommunications network implementation and integration provider based in the United Kingdom. This union combines AFL's industry-leading products and services with TCC Group's expertise in designing, building, installing and maintaining next generation networks. Known for representing quality services and reliable products, the AFL brand symbolizes an award-winning company that puts customers first while connecting businesses with innovative technologies and solutions. This acquisition will not only strengthen that image, but help AFL improve and expand its network service offerings throughout Europe. Beginning in April, customers will start to see the AFL logo on literature, vans work orders, packages and much more. With the adoption of the AFL brand, two leading telecommunication companies will be combined into one source of knowledge, giving businesses a competitive edge when they choose AFL. Not only will you, TCC customers, have AFL's leading telecommunication services and products at your fingertips, but you can still maintain your current relationship with TCC associates