Supervising Sound Editor, Dialogue Editor, Sound Effects Editor
Smart Post Sound redefined the “Complete Sound Package” to mean, quite literally, “Complete.” We handle everything for you whether it’s out-of-town ADR or a mix stage at another facility. All you need to do is tell us when you want to mix, and we book you on the best stage available, either in-house or anywhere else in town...or the world. Where ADR is concerned, tell us where your actors are and we take care of everything else ... booking the ADR Stages, getting the picture there and getting the recorded ADR back. We even pay the stages for you and add it to your package so you don't have to setup accounts with stages half way around the world. If you want, you can monitor the out-of-town ADR from the comfort of Stage 2 at our Riveside Building. We take care of the Layback, the Network and Studio Deliverables.