The Open Library Foundation (the Foundation) was created in 2016 as an unbiased, independent not-for-profit organization designed to ensure the availability, accessibility and sustainability of open source and open access projects for and by libraries. The Foundation seeks to enable and support collaboration among librarians, technologists, designers, service providers and vendors to share expertise and resources and to create innovative new software and resources that support libraries. We believe that open discourse in a diverse and inclusive community will better identify and characterize challenges and opportunities, and enable paradigm-shifting solutions.Software developed by projects hosted by the Foundation is freely available under an Apache v2 license to enable personal, institutional or commercial use, and to sustain an open collaboration of interested parties. The Foundation simply provides the infrastructure by which the library community at large can organize, contribute to, and benefit from our projects — ensuring availability and a "safe haven" for our projects' output that is separated from the needs and goals of any single contributor, user or affiliated party.