We are a leading metalworking supplier with expertise in automotive components, motorcycle parts and medical equipment. With the primary factory in Vietnam, we are headquartered in Taiwan. Founded in 1974, we have over 3,500 employees focusing on delivering superior quality to our customers with the company philosophy Challenging Excellence to Benefit Society.Our operating groups include Eurocharm Innovation, Vietnam Precision Industrial No.1, Hsieh Yuan Technology and Apex Precision Industrial. Together with a dedicated engineering team, we support customers across continents from Europe to the North America. We supply principally to Honda Motor Co., Toyota Motor Corp., Piaggio, Polaris and Ducati Motor Holding.Since obtaining ISO 9001 in 2003, we continue to strive for higher quality management and have since been certified ISO 14001, ISO/TS 16949, ISO 13485 and OHSAS 18001. As of 2014, Ford Q1 Award has provided us the status of preferred automotive supplier among the best in the world. We are proud yet humbled by the public recognition for our commitment to excellence.Looking forward, we aim to exceed customer expectations with our top priorities Sincerity, Innovation and Customer Satisfaction.本公司成立於1974年,初期是機車零組件之金屬加工為主要營業項目,客戶群以三陽工業及台鈴等機車品牌為主。憑藉著在機車零組件金屬加工之生產經驗,陸續擴大客戶群至日系機車品牌,並逐步發展醫療器材零組件之生產。2001年本集團隨著日系品牌客戶之腳步進入越南市場,並於永福省開光工業區成立"越南第一精密工業有限公司",次年2002年開始進行量產。近年來亦跨足汽車零組件及休閒車輛領組件等市場。公司早期以模具、沖壓、焊接等金屬加工工段為主,並以機車零組件生產為主要應用方向。而在進入越南市場後,因越南地區供應鏈的不完整,在服務客戶提高附加價值的精神下,公司陸續加入壓鑄、拋光、CNC加工、粉(液)體塗裝、電着塗裝、電鍍、熱處理、鍛造及鐳射切割等金屬製程,並逐步發展成一個加工平台,並朝向一站式購足的精神服務客戶,使客戶能在成本、時間及品質上,能夠獲得更大的滿足。而在未來發展上,公司亦將針對各項金屬製程持續精進,並擴大全球汽車零組件及重型機車等休閒車輛等領域,並做為主要發展方向。豐祥控股為台灣早期從事汽機車零件領導廠商之一,集團總部位於新北市新莊區,並以結合來自台灣、日本、越南、中國的優秀經營團隊,並已累積近四十年的經驗及專業知識。未來,我們仍將秉持著「挑戰卓越、惜緣造福 」的理念及「誠信創新、顧客滿意」的品質政策,用心經營,並為員工、股東及社會大眾創造出更大的價值。