"Wolność Janusza Korwin-Mikke", founded in 2015, using the abbreviated name "Freedom", is a political party operating on the territory of the Republic of Poland, and outside its borders, in accordance with the applicable legal order and the content of the Statute.The party bases its activity on members' social work. The Party may employ employees to conduct its affairs.We are a movement that acts to defend and extend the personal freedom of citizens.We believe that freedom is one of the most important values of our civilization.We perceive the threat to individual freedom on the part of state power and the system that it shapes.We are not content with the promise of freedom of speech or participation in free elections.We want to have the freedom to act regardless of who is currently elected and exercising power.We want to decide for ourselves how we live and what we do with our own body.We want to decide for ourselves how we bring up our children and what they will learn.We want to decide for ourselves what we will do with our own money.We believe that freedom is a value in itself, but it also favors another value - prosperity. Economic freedom, low taxes, lack of unnecessary bureaucracy and regulation mean rapid economic growth and a rich society.We want Poland to be rich with the wealth of Polish portfolios - not unbridled by the state budget managed by politicians.