Haakman Flowerbulbs BV markets high-quality products - a broad and innovative selection - by exclusively buying from and collaborating with the best growers in the Netherlands. Haakman's added value is that the company thinks as a grower, it assists forcing facilities abroad and it thinks along with the client in the forcing process. Haakman also works (collaborates) with persons who are highly skilled in the field of preparation and cultivation. Each batch of bulbs is inspected on internal quality and development stage inspection takes place, to which the cooling process is adjusted. Haakman is proud to collaborate with Ger Koomen, an expert in the field of tulip preparation. Haakman Flowerbulbs BV can also supply you with a year-round product because of their own supply of New Zealand tulips. With its young management team - Dirk-Jan Haakman and Michel Dignum – Haakman Flowerbulbs BV can supply every client with tulips, from small to large, anywhere in the world.