Dietary Manager at Mariann Home (Long-term Care Facility) - Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada
Mariann Home is a Long Term Care facility. It is multicultural, and operated by Roman Catholic sisters. We are licensed to accommodate 64 nursing home care residents. There are 64 designated as long term care.Mariann Home is operated by the Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood as a non-profit registered charity.As part of our state-licensed, long-term, care facility, The Mariann Home always puts the Resident first and at the center of the decision-making process to help ensure quality of life.Inherent in the care of our residents is the Christian dignity, worth and individuality of each individual we serve. About the Above Logo: M and H, the beginning letters of Mariann Home, form the basic shape of the logo. However, the symbol has multiple meanings interrelated with each other. The home was originally named after Mariannhill, the first foundation of the Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood near Durban, South Africa. This foundation was named so by Francis Planner, our Founder, to honour both Mary, the mother of Jesus, and Anne, his grandmother. The M and H combine to form a cross - the cross that stood above Calvary Hill. Being at the centre of the logo and of Mariann Home, the cross indicates the Christian spiritual dimension permeating the Home. The Mariann Home offers:64 nursing home beds in 3 classifications (Rates are set by the Ontario Government).- Private- Semi-Private- Basic (units available with all utilities included in the maintenance fee).A beautiful lounge available for visits with family and friendsLaundry facility on premisesEmergency nursing servicesHandicapped-accessible bathParticipation in all Mariann Home activitiesDaily church servicesCatered meals from Marian Home