Villaflores Industrial Supply is a duly formed supplier of products that areintense in providing a good quality material of safety and PPE (PersonalProtective Equipment). Villaflores Industrial Supply (VIS) started year 2015, asone of the trusted distributors of Kings Safety Shoes.Along its course on doing well, satisfactorily and serviceable as regards to thisbusiness, VIS attain some of the best companies around its market and begunto provide the client's needs in extents for their range of safety requirements.Eventually, VIS begun to widen its scope by acquiring the best and primeproducts to supply the client's requirements and demands for them to provide asafety surroundings of their ongoing projects or workplace such as FootProtection, Eye and Face Protection, Respiratory Protection, Hand Protection, FallProtection and other forms of equipment use for safety purposes. Yet, VIS alsooffers to supply some products and equipment beyond safety and PPEs not onlyto give a good service but to overwhelm our lofty and reputable clients. Inpresent, VIS aims to give economical and quality safety by sourcing only goodquality of PPEs that will make our client's workplace safer.