Instructora at Choy Lee Fut Kung Fu & Qigong Sydney - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
The Chan Family system includes:Chan Family Choy Lee Fut Kung Fu – traditional Chinese martial arts.Lohan Qigong – health/movement/meditative practices.Lion Dance – traditional routines.The Chan Family follows Grand Master Chen Yong Fa – Choy Lee Fut's Jeung Mun Yan (Keeper of the Style). Since the 1980s, Grand Master Chen Yong Fa has opened the treasures of the Chan Family system to the outside world. This includes a great deal of material only taught within the Chan Family up to that point.Chan Family accredited schools are found in 16 countries and there are thousands of practitioners worldwide.More About Choy Lee Fut!Choy Lee Fut Kung Fu is an effective fighting method and martial art from the Shaolin tradition. It is well known for its speed and power, its smooth circular body movements and flexible footwork, Choy Lee Fut combines the powerful hand techniques characteristic of southern styles with the versatile kicks of the northern systems and includes fist forms, weapons and Shaolin wooden dummies.Lohan Qigong is a complete system of qigong. The system combines the therapeutic aspects of traditional Shaolin Qigong techniques with the footwork and use of the body that makes Choy Lee Fut famous. The system improves health, vitality and martial technique through relaxed movement, meditation and Traditional Chinese Medicine.Lion dance, dragon dance & unicorn dance are rituals and performances from traditional Chinese culture that both utilise and improve Kung Fu and Qigong skills.