Horizon Integrated is a unique, specialist integrated rehabilitation and recovery residential service for males and females with mental health and/or intellectual disabilities. This service caters to individuals who may have behaviours that challenge alongside additional social and complex needs, including those who may have a forensic history.Horizon House offers a smooth and structural transition from a range of health services back into the community, where participation in both social and domestic activities is vital for their quality of life in the community.At the heart of the service are clinicians Dr. Anthony Okore (MBBS, MBA, MRCPsych, LLB) and Sean OʼHanrahan (MA BA (Hons) RMN).With over 20 years of experience at consultant level, Dr. Okoreʼs expertise is based around the assessment and management of individuals with complex mental health and intellectual disabilities. He is the Medical Director of Horizon and has dedicated all of his professional life to ensuring that the individualshe is involved with supporting receive appropriately safe and personalised psychiatric advice that optimises their opportunities for full recovery and reintegration back into their local community. Alongside him is Sean OʼHanrahan, who is the Registered Manager of Horizon Integrated. Sean is a Registered Mental Health Nurse (RMN) who has had 23 years experience inmanaging supported accommodation, care homes, residential care homes and hospitals at national level and is a specialist in turnaround. He is very passionate about the delivery of high-quality care and support for service clients.