We seek out smart, motivated local leaders in developing countries who are already doing great things.These are leaders who are creating new ways to deliver health care, or reducing crime by giving teenagers inventive things to do or using cell phone technology to create new economic markets for crops. The things these leaders are achieving are remarkable, and they are deeply embedded in their communities. They are brilliant, motivated people.We find these leaders.Then we sit down with them and get to know them. We find out what they need to get them to their next milestone. More often than not, we hear small, ongoing needs — like basic training, or the ability to pay part-time help. The kind of stuff that isn't glamorous, but vital for getting the work done.Once we understand what the needs are, we partner with these leaders to introduce them to donors for small, direct grants.The leader/grantmaker relationships we broker are totally unlike most philanthropic relationships–in that they are made in partnership. The design is a dialogue — a back and forth. And the grant is a small, direct amount that can be promised for a year or more.The effect of this relationship is personal. It's intimate. It's real. And it's ongoing for a period of time. Leaders and grantmakers learn together what works and what doesn't.Leaders are valued for their expertise in the community. And the right problems get addressed.This way of doing international development work may seem simple and straightforward, but it's actually revolutionary.It flips the script on who gets to make important decisions. And it brings leaders to the table who have been traditionally excluded. Come join us.