Don't Gamble When Buying or Selling Your Home Don't gamble with an inspector new to the business, who is part-time or one who will spend insufficient time performing the inspection. Your home is the most expensive commodity you are likely to purchase or sell in a lifetime. One defect missed could cost 100 times what you save with a "bargain" inspection. My professional evaluation of your property gives you one less thing to worry about. My experience and reputation make this decision easy for you. Visit my web site for additional information. Before you purchase or sell a property, you should learn as much as you can, including what may need to be repaired. My home inspection will identify items needing service. I wholeheartedly encourage you to accompany me during the inspection. An API inspection provides an invaluable learning and discovery experience during which your questions can be answered on the spot. You will then receive a professionally written report with color photos documenting the inspection findings. In addition, all API clients receive FREE telephone consultation after the inspection. Call now 317-388-2098 or toll free at 866-582-8626 for a quote and to schedule your inspection.