Kimberley Diamonds Ltd (ASX: KDL) is a mineral resources mining and exploration company that was incorporated on 5 May 2011. Kimberley Diamonds Ltd owns the Lerala Diamond Mine in Botswana and is the owner and operator of the Ellendale Diamond Project in Western Australia. The mine is the world's leading source of rare fancy yellow diamonds and contributes around half of the world's supply. Kimberley also owns: * the Argyle Smoke Creek Alluvial Diamond Project in the Kimberley region of Western Australia; * eDiamond BVBA, a marketing office for rough diamonds that uses an independent online trading platform for rough diamond sales; and * has interests in a portfolio of other mining tenements in Canada, New South Wales and Western Australia. Kimberley Diamonds Ltd has offices in Sydney and is listed on the ASX under the code KDL.