EVShare Foundation is a technology partnership to create sustainable, accessible and comfortable autonomous ride-sharing powered with clean, renewable energy. This advance in transportation is made possible with 21st-century IoT information technology, including the RSK blockchain and smart contracts..Electric, shared, connected, autonomous, sustainably-powered, vehicles (EVs) are more than a trend — they represent a necessary technological and cultural shift toward improved efficiency and a shared clean energy future.Based in Gibraltar, with offices in Merced and Los Angeles, California, EVShare Foundation and partners make it easy for people, goods and power to "go" green. By making ridesharing dramatically cleaner, more energy efficient and enjoyable, EVShare enables commuters to regain time, communities to reach jobs more easily and us all to have a healthier future. EVShare combines the best partners in autonomous vehicle manufacturing, ridesharing, energy storage, energy management, and data management on the Blockchain to create a unified solution to make the dream of clean, sustainable transit possible.https://www.facebook.com/EVSharehttps://twitter.com/EVShareMobilityhttps://www.youtube.com/c/EVSharehttps://plus.google.com/+EVSharehttps://t.me/EVSharehttps://medium.com/EVShareMobilityhttps://www.crunchbase.com/organization/evsharehttps://angel.co/evshare