Having is headquarter in Quebec, Trois-Rivieres (Mauricie), G.O.X. Technologies is a leader in business computing and management systems solutions. Whether for the implementation or support of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), data interchange (EDI) solution, custom application development, or material needs and network infrastructure, G.O.X. is a key partner. Our expertise in information technology (IT) and our flagship solutions like outsourcing, virtualization of servers and computer systems under VMware or the management of your data warehouse, facilitates the implementation and ongoing support and evolution of operational tools that maximize the economic and financial flows of your organization. Since 1993, G.O.X. Technologies has been bringing to each of its clients and business partners an array of high calibre multidisciplinary services, based on the competence, commitment and innovation of its resources. We therefore offer our clients a one-stop service for all their needs. We invite you to visit our web site for more details: http://www.gox.ca.