University of Oulu Research Institute in Japan - CWC Nippon The purpose of CWC Nippon is to be economically self-sustaining research institute that strives to encourage multidisciplinary collaboration between Japanese and Finnish enterprises, universities and research institutes. We have divided this mission to four inter-linked themes: - Advance multidisciplinary scientific research. - Collaborate with Japanese universities in facilitating post graduate degrees and promote internationally acknowledged research. - Carry out applied research in order to promote novel innovations based on the outcome of the scientific research above. - Act as a platform to form a gateway between Japanese and Finnish universities and enterprises. From the four mission objectives, the major tasks of CWC Nippon are focused into research, education and business coordination. Research: Joint project-based research between Finnish and Japanese universities, institutes and companies on focused technologies in multiple & cross layers, i.e. devices, phyical, datalink, network, and application layers. Education: Practical education for post-graduate students and engineers through top-level of the research projects. In fact, we promote international double and joint Ph.D degree. Business Coordination: Promote short range, mid-range and long range of business by consultation, standardization, and regulation based on the focused areas, e.g. dependable ICT including Medical ICT.