Treebuddy.Earth solution provides a disruptive, cutting-edge technological tool creating global incentives for local communities to take care of their trees. Tree planters will geoposition all their planted trees to a global map with a photo. Tree supporters from anywhere in the globe will have a digital copy of a tree, to be maintained in their own virtual garden or to be given as a gift. Treebuddy.Earth stands for the long term tree care by the local people, using local wisdom. Locals receive income every time they make a status update of a tree with a new photo (after 1 year, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 years) - encouraging locals for long term treecare. Businesses can prove the ecosystem benefits and use the trees in their customer loyalty programs. Thus, Treebuddy.Earth provides double benefits for all stakeholders.In Treebuddy club tree supporters and local tree planters can meet each other regularly in joint webmeetings. This gives a very empowering motivation boost to act for the planet.