In 2012, Meridian Environmental Inc. joined Millennium EMS Solutions Ltd.Meridian Environmental Inc. was established in 2000 as an independent consulting company specializing in the assessment and management of environmental risks and liabilities on behalf of industry and government clients. Projects undertaken by Meridian have included human health and ecological risk assessment, development of regulatory guidelines, assessment of environmental liabilities, technical support for government environmental assistance programs, regulatory permitting and approvals, development of risk management options for contaminated sites, environmental and health training, and the provision of expert review services. Meridian has come to be recognized as one of the leading Canadian companies in the area of human and environmental risk assessment, guideline development and related regulatory support.Meridian's staff have conducted several hundred human health and/or environmental risk assessments for various contaminated sites and other facilities. Meridian's key personnel have also worked for many years with provincial and federal regulatory departments in the development of risk-based remediation guidelines for soil and groundwater and the associated derivation protocols, including the CCME Canada-wide standard for petroleum hydrocarbons in soil, the CCME protocols for the derivation of environmental and health-based soil, groundwater and soil vapour guidelines, and the Alberta Tier 1 and Tier 2 soil and groundwater remediation guidelines.