Employees Are Your Greatest Asset:\\Amidst all of the efficient operations and sophisticated equipment in business today, the success of a company depends, in the final analysis, on its people.\Our practice is devoted to increasing your company's performance, productivity, management skills, leadership skills and level of quality with our customized human resource workshops by focusing on your greatest asset - your people!\For an on-site needs assessment or for more information about human resources training and consulting, management training and development, or any of our other services, please contact Mardac Consultants.\\Medical: \\It's not a question about if you will get audited, only when. We specialize in auditing medical records for complete reimbursement and compliance, providing an auditing analysis and evaluation report. We will develop ways to mitigate fraud and abuse claims with an emphasis on regulatory controls and developing best practices throughout your organization.\\Mardac is available to help small medical clinics with the new HIPAA Omnibus Rules and Regulations. All Clinics must be in Compliance with the new HIPAA rules, including new BA contracts and new Notice of Privacy Practices by September 23, 2013. We offer HIPAA staff training. Claire Cieri is a Certified HealthCare Compliance Officer with both HCCA (HealthCare Compliance Association) and the AAPC (American Association of Professional Coders).\\October 1, 2015 is just around the corner. Mardac can help clinics plan their strategize and train their staff for the new ICD-10 codes that will go into effect on October 1, 2015. Claire is a certified coder, auditor and compliance officer who can help clinics with all of their coding, auditing and compliance needs; including PCMHs, MU, HIPAA, HITECH, ICD-10 and E/M.