Auroch Minerals (ASX : AOU) is currently exploring the Nepean, Saints & Leinster Nickel Projects, located in the Norseman-Wiluna Greenstone Belt, arguably the best address globally for nickel sulphide mineralisation and home to tier 1 nickel projects.WA Nickel ProjectsAuroch holds a highly prospective nickel exploration portfolio with the Nepean, Saints and Leinster Projects all located within the Goldfields region of Western Australia.The Saints and Leinster Nickel Projects are located in the Norseman-Wiluna Greenstone Belt, arguably the best address globally for nickel sulphide mineralisation. There is significant processing capability in the region, with BHP's Mt Keith and Leinster plants near the town of Leinster, Saracen's Sinclair plant and Poseidon's processing plant at Black Swan.Nepean lies roughly 25km south of the township of Coolgardie and contains the historic high-grade Nepean nickel sulphide mine, which was the second producing nickel mine in Australia, producing 1,108,457 tons of ore between 1970 and 1987 for 32,202 tons of nickel metal at an average recovered grade of 2.99% nickel. The total area of the project tenure is 3,128ha located in a highly fertile region for both nickel and gold mineralisation.