We provide sustainable energy engineering services.Specifically, we support the planning, development and management of EV charging, Solar PV and Battery Energy Storage systems, also known as Distributed Energy Systems (DERs).Our Mission: Empowering the inevitable.Everyone will be driving electric – are you ready? Charging infrastructure is critical for EV adoption and can synergize with the deployment of other distributed energy resources, disrupting tradition. The result is a Genesis of new Electrical Systems.. ElectroGeneSys.Our Vision: Driving Ontario to the forefront of green technology, then beyond.We are focused exclusively on Clean Tech to help Ontario meet its carbon reduction goals and provide a better quality of life for all, while improving local energy security and user experience.We enable the engineering and effective operation of DERs through innovative design, oversight and digital systems.Our Values: Humanity, Initiative, Integrity, Ingenuity, PassionWe remain technology agnostic while advising our clients to achieve success as they commit time and money to their DER systems. We plan projects with future scalability in mind and implement through well co-ordinated partnerships to meet expectations of cost, schedule and performance. This is often best achieved using the art of incrementalism - design and build what's best for now; plan for next steps to come later.Commissioning the initial system is merely the beginning. We ensure long-term success by providing ongoing guidance and a user-friendly oversight system to monitor and optimize each DER's behaviour with minimal effort required by its operators - a satisfying experience for all.