DS Box - See it Sort it Solve it.Data to Screen is the new normal, so make it not just visual but put it to use.Data Seen is Data Sorted and Data Solved for confident and decisive action, You no longer want to rely on simply striking the balance between "analysis paralysis" and "gut instinct"Edge Computing brings together every element from Data Scenarios to Display Screen. Allowing data to improve security and safety for efficient business decisions is important to protect, save and prevent any undesired outcomes.DS Box is affordable as it integrates with your existing hardware on premise or hybrid to enable data usable in new ways that helps you quickly understand the context of various situations, enabling it for making informed decisions.DS Box is not limited to - Digital Signage, Design Services, Data Solutions or Digital Surveillance, it is a journey of Data to Screen for outcomesDS Box can be standalone or seamlessly integrated with other systems to enhance situational awareness as per needs of your location.DS Box is functioning with next generation of Intel CPU's (launching soon 11th Generation Intel® Core™ i9 Processors), Intel® Movidius™ VPU to achieve a balance of power efficiency and compute performance. VPU technology enables intelligent cameras, edge servers and AI appliances with deep neural network and computer vision-based applications such as security and safety, and industrial automation.DS Box partners and collaborates with companies to integrate and delivers outcomes to customers who are in need of protecting and/or managing their assets. Data is Resource - Take your Data and Turn it into Analytic Power and Predictive Power, we truly believe that every company is a digital company and segments are not limited to retail, commercial & industrial buildings and critical infrastructures.