SusBDe will be your partner to help you to solve your solid waste, landfill, (waste-)water and energy challenges. Facilitate the green fuel transition process based on Municipal Solid waste (MSW). We are not selling our technology, but buying the MSW problem to produce CNG/Bio-Gas + Recyclables.We have experience in the development, construction, operation and maintenance of ‘Zero Waste to Energy'-facilities and sustainable water treatment solutions. We offer the client a complete solution, to achieve the best solution and results for you as the client. From the beginning to the end. • Development & Operation of Zero-Waste & Green Energy FacilitiesThe concept of the ‘SusBDe Zero Waste & Energy facility' is a comprehensive approach to reduce the problem of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and the need of green energy, using the latest technologies to create the system that is based on the principle of maximum environmental impact and at the same time financially profitable. We are an independent working company, cooperating with a selection of preferred consultants and suppliers.• Sustainable Water & Sewage Treatment SusBDe offers our customers separate equipment, spare parts, chemicals and maintenance for the treatment of water and sewage they require up to and including the delivery, construction, maintenance and operation.