The fullest expression of the Father's delight resides in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ. The clearest expression of the glory of Jesus Christ today resides in the revelation of God, the Bible. Consequently, Omaha Bible Church is radically committed to the Bible's prescription for:Exalting Christ: Colossians 3:16 declares that the Word of Christ is to dwell in the believer and flow out of the believer - "teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God." Furthermore, every word and deed is to be consumed with Jesus Christ (v17). Therefore, exalting Christ Jesus is the bursting forth of the fountain of God's truth in our lives. Proclaiming Christ: God is in the business of proclaiming the glory of His Son. God spoke through His prophets in the OT Scriptures testifying of His Son (Luke 24:27). Hebrews 1:1-2 tells us that in these last days God has spoken to us in His Son. Consequently, the NT apostles and prophets were moved by the Spirit to bear witness of God's Son (2 Peter 1:21, John 15:26-27). For this reason, Omaha Bible Church lives to proclaim the desire and delight of the Father, the suffering and glory of Jesus Christ. We proclaim Christ that we may present every person complete in Christ (Col. 1:28).Living Christ: "As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him" (Col. 2:6) "for you have died and your life is hidden with Christ, in God" (Col. 3:3). God's delight is in His Son and it has pleased Him to procure a people who die to self and live to Christ (Phil. 3:7-11). The ultimate meaning of life then is conformity to the image of God's Son (Rom. 8:29). Our ambition is to employ our spiritual gifts to affect life long change toward Christ-likeness. The book of Colossians demonstrates that change occurs as truth engages the mind with the value of Christ's supremacy (Col. 1) and sufficiency (Col. 2). We can truly say, "Christ transforms lives!"