Mighty Fit is a locally owned and operated fitness facility in South Austin. We're a premier fitness, training, and wellness club with a strong commitment towards personalized service and individual attention for those seeking to achieve a healthier lifestyle. Mighty Fit strives to make sure that you have a fun and consistent workout experience each and every time you visit. We also work hard to retain and provide for our employees. Our fitness center is a club that is based on community and common goals. At the core of Mighty Fit is a daily drive and passion for helping people improve their lives. Mighty Fit is a fitness company/club dedicated to everyone that has been intimidated and fearful of exercise. We want each and every single person to feel welcome. Mike Hughes and Heidi Zipperle manage, own and operate the company and we have a team of fitness professionals that share the same passion. Our close friends would call us Meidi (Mike and Heidi combined) quite often and being that we have a love for fitness and health we decided to name the company Mighty Fit. Heidi is also a breast cancer survivor and has been in remission since 2007, she brings the spirit of enjoying each and every day to its fullest. Mike has over 14 years in the fitness industry and his positivity is absolutely contagious, if your ever feeling down do not hesitate to come and spend about 10 minutes with him, its a good investment. We welcome you to Mighty Fit.